CRIDA Discussion sets Record for AWRA Webinar Participation – Now Available to the Public

[90-minute video now freely available to the public at ]

Climate Risk-Informed Decision Analysis, or CRIDA, is a methodology to help water professionals to make better-informed decisions in water planning and management under future uncertainty. As summarized by the Alliance for Global Water Adaptation (AGWA), CRIDA provides stepwise planning guidance for robust but flexible water management that can be institutionalized and produce consistent, replicable, and accessible outcomes.

As part of CRIDA’s roll-out, two ICIWaRM collaborators, John Matthews of AGWA and John Kucharski of the Hydrologic Engineering Center, recently gave a webinar for the American Water Resources Association (AWRA), titled “Keeping the Baby in the Bathwater: Integrating Climate Resilience in Existing Water Planning, Design and Operations.

To the knowledge of the organizers, the event was the best-attended AWRA webinar ever, with 567 registrants and a maximum of 399 participants on the line. The event was extended an extra 30 minutes, with 130 people present when the moderator finally cut off questions.

The CRIDA publication can be downloaded from ICIWaRM or UNESCO. Information on bottom-up approaches in general to integrating climate and other risks into water resources planning, including CRIDA, the World Bank’s Decision Tree methodology, Eco-Engineering Decision Scaling and others can be found at