Educational activities (i.e., those with accreditation) that directly contributed to the IHPVII and WWAP
- Dr. Paul DuBowy spent several weeks in 2011, funded by a Fulbright grant, at theUniversity of Lodz teaching Ecosystem Planning and Restoration in association with the UNESCO category 2 center “European Regional Centre for Ecohydrology”. He wasan Adjunct Professor in the Department of Applied Ecology, under the Erasmus Mundus Master of Science Programme in Ecohydrology.
Research activities that directly contributed to the IHP-VII and activities by WWAP
- Contributed to the 4th Edition of the World Water Development Report (WWDR4) — “Managing Water Under Uncertainty and Risk”.
- Steering Committee co-chair for the publication of “IWRM Guidelines at a Basin Level”series, UNESCO IHP/WWAP/NARBO publication (ongoing). In 2011, Part 2-4 “The Guidelines for Managing Environmental Sustainability” was published. Two additional publications in the series are being developed — one on climate change adaptation and
another on participative planning. ICIWaRM is deeply involved in both.
- Facilitation of co-chair of WWAP Expert Group on Policy Relevance (2011).
- Facilitation of network partner development of consistent indicator sets for actualrenewable water resources (2011).
- Development of open source software and analytical tool for flood and droughtfrequency analysis based on analysis of “L-moments” statistical methods applied to areas with short or sparse data, in collaboration with CAZALAC (ongoing).
- Near real-time streamflow forecasting system using satellite precipitationmeasurements in the International Senegal River Basin (ongoing).
- NSF-funded Planning Visit proposal to establish a new research collaboration betweenThe University of Arizona (ICIWaRM partner) and AGRHYMET (G-WADI-SSA secretariat) in Niger (Niamey). The research will be to improve the spatio-temporalcharacterization of precipitation in the African Monsoon Region.
- Support the Rwanda Integrated Water Security Program, a subprogram of the Global Water for Sustainability Program and supported by USAID.
- Pilot Study on Indicators for the WWAP (ongoing).
- Technical Secretariat for the global network Water and Development Information for Arid Lands (G-WADI) (ongoing).
- Assessment of Satellite Precipitation Products and their use in Hydrologic Applications, in collaboration with the University of Arizona.
- Agent-Based Models: Applications in water resources planning & management, incollaboration with Panagiotis Oikonomou, Colorado State University.
- Using Physical and Collaborative Modeling to Assess the [UNESCO HELP basin] Iowa-Cedar Watershed’s Vulnerability to Climate Change and Develop Risk Informed Climate Change Adaptation Strategies.
- Multi-lateral report on Flood Risk Management Approaches (U.S., Japan, Netherlandsand the U.K.).
(pdf, 6.08 MB) (Civilian Research and Development Foundation).
- Study of climate change impacts on flood risks in the Carpathian Mountains with theUkrainian Academy of Sciences and with funding from the Civilian Research and Development Foundation (ongoing).
Training activities that directly contributed to the IHP-VII and WWAP objectives
- Seven-day Spanish-language workshop on Hydrology and Hydraulics Modeling and Tools in Asuncion, Paraguay in collaboration with the International Hydroinformatics Center (CIH). The course featured theory, applications, tips in hydrology, hydraulics, and reservoir operation all conducted in Spanish. In excess of 40 participants from Paraguay, Brazil, Uruguay, Argentina, and Chile attended the workshop.
- Collaboration with Peru’s National Water Authority (ANA) staff to develop shared vision planning guidelines for Peru, in coordination with the World Bank and IDB 2009-present). ICIWaRM led five workshops in various watersheds that exposed stakeholders to the new water law and institutions, the shared vision planning methodology, and subsequent IWRM planning process.
- Provided training in Water Evaluation And Planning (WEAP) System to the Ministry of Water and Irrigation in the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan through the Stockholm Environmental Institute and in collaboration with UNESCO-IHP in Amman (2011).
- IWR’s Conflict Resolution and Public Participation Center of Expertise designed a Shared Vision Planning and Public Involvement process in support of [UNESCO HELP basin] Iowa-Cedar River Basin Comprehensive Watershed Planning Process.
Collaboration and linkages
- Participation in major international networks, programmes, partnerships with other UN or other International Agencies, media and professional bodies
- See Appendix A for WWF6 participation (2012).
- Member, Steering Committee, Global Water Partnership (GWP).
- Member, Board of Governors, World Water Council.
- Collaboration on the implementation of the UN Secretary General’s Advisory Board on Water and Sanitation/ High-Level Expert Panel on Water and Disaster UNSGAB/HLEP on Water and Disaster Action Plan (ongoing). ICIWaRM has taken the lead on NSGAB Recommendation No.29: “National and international hydrological institutes must take the initiative to identify underlying analytical and data requirements to meet climate changes that are likely to be highly uncertain and so as to support structural and nonstructural measures for disaster risk deduction” (Water and Disasters: High Level Expert Panel on Water and Disasters/UNSGAB, March 2009).
- Alliance for Global Water Adaptation (AGWA). In collaboration with Conservation International and the World Bank, ICIWaRM and its parent institution are providing major in-kind support for two of the four task teams: “Incorporating Climate Change into Water resources Operations, Planning and Design” and “Ecological and Hydrological Interactions”.
- MOU with the National Autonomous University of Mexico
(UNAM) Water Network to support mutual cooperation and joint activities in IWRM, scientific research, and capacity building (2010).
- Participation in meetings related to the IHP and UNESCO (e.g., the UNESCO General Conference, the UNESCO Executive Board, the IHP Intergovernmental Council and/or other meetings organized by IHP)
- As G-WADI Technical Secretariat, attended all G-WADI related meetings.
- Co-sponsor and member of organizing committee (with ICHARM as Secretariat of the IFI as the lead) of the 5th International Conference on Flood Management (ICFM5) Japan, 2011).
- Co-sponsored panels (with ICHARM) at ICFMS on Flood Risk Mgt Approaches and on Adaptation to Climate Change in connection with UNSGAB/HELP).
- Invited paper for 2010 UNESCO-IAHS Kovacs Symposium. Practical approaches to water management under climate change uncertainty. Eugene Stakhiv 2010. “Hydrocomplexity: New Tools for Solving Wicked Water Problems” (IAHS Publ. 338, 2010).
- Sponsored AWRA 2011 Summer Specialty Conference “Integrated Water Resources Management: The Emperor’s New Clothes or Indispensable Process?” (2011, Utah), Session 4: Hydrology for the Environment, Life and Policy [HELP].
- Funded participation of Iowa-Cedar River Basin at HELP International Symposium 2011 “Building Knowledge Bridges for a Sustainable Water Future”.
- As Co-chair of the Steering Committee of UNESCO’s IWRM Guidelines at River Basin Level, attended all associated meetings and teleconferences.
- As observer for Region 2, attended annual meetings of UNESCO ROSTLAC relating to programs, national committees and other initiatives.
- Attended Regional Training Workshop on Drought Monitoring, Niamey, Niger, 2012.
- Collaboration and networking with other UNESCO category 1 or 2 institutes/ centres
- Cross-appointment of directors of the category 1 or 2 institutes or centres on the governing board and other partnerships
- Member, Governing Board of UNESCO-IHE.
- Member, Governing Board of CAZALAC.
Chair, Advisory Board of ICHARM.
, the Institute for Water Education, Delft.
- MOU with ICHARM, the International Center for Hazard and Risk Management, Japan.
- MOU with CAZALAC, the Center for Arid and Semi-arid Zones of LAC.
- MOU with CATHALAC, the Water Center for Humid Tropics of LAC (former UNESCO center; now a regional international center affiliated with UNU).
, the Center for Sustainable Management of Water Resources in the Caribbean Island States.
- MOU with IHP proper.
- Visit to Regional Center for Training and Water Studies, Egypt (May 2012) and associated discussions with staff of the Regional Centre for the Management of Shared Groundwater Resources (Libya) and the newly approved Regional Centre on Capacity Development and Research in Water Harvesting, Sudan.
- Exchange of information on activities such as training/educational materials, and funding opportunities
- Co-sponsored with ICHARM the 5th International Conference on Flood Management
- Translation to Spanish of “IWRM Guidelines at a Basin Level” in conjunction with UNESCO ROSTLAC and IDB (2011-2012).
- Sponsored work on publication “Science and Practice of Integrated River Basin Management: Lessons from North and Central American UNESCO-HELP basins” (ongoing).
- Attended “CAZALAC Workshop on Region Frequency Analysis using L-moments” and
the Joint Research Center’s EuroClima Meeting (Chile, April 2011), and presented progress on ICIWaRM’s Regional Analysis of Frequency Tool (ICI-RAFT).
- Exchange of staff, most notably professionals and students
- Sponsor former IHE Rector Richard Meganck activities at Oregon State University, which include advice to and other interactions with UNESCO Category 2 center HidroEx, Brazil.
- Implementation of joint activities, such as workshops, conferences, training programmes, joint projects, field visits, software and data sharing, knowledge exchange and publications
- ICIWaRM assisted CEHICA in investigating rising lake levels at Lake Enriquillo in the western Dominican Republic and in building local capacity to adapt to and mitigate the rise (2011).
- Numerous other activities covered in sections 2.2 and 2.3.
- Relationships with the UNESCO field and regional office whose jurisdiction covers the country of location
- Numerous interactions with UNESCO Regional Office for Science and Technology for Latin American and the Caribbean, Montevideo (see section 3.2).
- Through G-WADI, many interactions with UNESCO regional office for East Africa in
Nairobi, and country offices in Egypt and Jordan.
- Relationship with the UNESCO National Commission and the IHP National Committee in the country of location and with other organizations of other countries
- One of six permanent Federal agency members of the US-IHP committee. Attended and presented updates at the semi-annual meetings, and are involved in strategic planning and in drafting recommendations of the committee to the USNC for UNESCO.
- Attended and presented updates at the bi-annual USNC for UNESCO meeting. Active in drafting recommendations of the Commission for the Natural Sciences.
- Communication and knowledge dissemination activities undertaken in the framework of IHP
- Policy documents and advice
- Co-chair of the Steering Committee of UNESCO’s IWRM Guidelines at River Basin Level.
- Editor-in-Chief for Water Policy, a peer reviewed international journal that is published six times per year.
Update on Centre Operations
- Membership of the Advisory Board
- Advisory Board members include:
- Region I: Mr Ibrahim Gurer (Turkey)
- Region II: Mr G. Jolánkai (Hungary)
- Region III: Mr Rubem La Laina Porto (Brazil)
- Region IV: Mr Liu Heng (China)
- Region Va: Mr Dhesigen Naidoo (South Africa)
- Region Vb: Mr Ahmed Murad (United Arab Emirates)
- The IHE Rector or his/her representative
- The Director General of UNESCO or his/her representative
- The Executive Director of the US National Commission for UNESCO
- The Chair of the US National Committee for IHP
- The Assistant Secretary of the Army for Civil Works (ex-officio Chair)
- And one other unnamed member.