ICIWaRM Meets with Governing Board of Germany’s International Centre for Water Resources and Global Change
The International Hydrological Programme (IHP) has a network of some 30+ “category 2” centers “under the auspices of UNESCO. ICIWaRM is one of these centers. It also plays a role in helping other category 2 centers in their governance and program development. An example of this is ICIWaRM’s role as a member of the Governing Board for the International Centre for Water Resources and Global Change, or ICWRCG, headquartered at the Federal Institute of Hydrology (BfG) in Koblenz, Germany.
ICWRGC held its seventh governing board meeting virtually on Dec 10, 2020. ICIWaRM, along with other representatives from the International Centre for Water Cooperation (ICWC; Sweden), European Regional Centre for Ecohydrology (ERCE; Poland), International Centre for Water Hazard and Risk Management (ICHARM; Japan) and others provided feedback to the ICWRGC director and sponsoring agencies on their water programs in areas such as global water databases, training courses, and cooperation in transboundary water cooperation.
Among its many activities, ICWRGC operates the Global Terrestrial Network for Hydrology (GTN-H). GTN-H is a joint project of the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) and the Global Climate Observing System (GCOS). It is a federated network of major global data centres, linking water-related observations at a global scale, supporting scientific advance and operational applications with regard to climate variability and change as well as water resources assessment and management.
ICIWaRM is also on the governing board of the La Serena, Chile-based Water Center for Arid and Semi-Arid Zones in Latin America and the Caribbean (CAZALAC).