ICIWaRM-US State Dept. Agreement Signed for Strengthening water COoperation for REgional Security (SCORES)
A three-year agreement between the U.S. State Department and ICIWaRM, through the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, to support collaborative work on transboundary water cooperation, was concluded on September 27, 2017. The program is called Strengthening water COoperation for REgional Security, or SCORES.
The goal of SCORES is to reduce conflict and promote regional stability and security by strengthening cooperation on shared waters in regions where water is, or may become, a source of conflict. Activities under this program aim to foster economic growth and sustainable management of natural resources by demonstrating best practices for integrated water resources management, management of physical infrastructure and natural systems, and improving basin-level governance of water resources.
SCORES’ objectives include a) strengthening the governance of shared waters by building institutional capacity of river basin organizations, government ministries and departments, and other bodies responsible for transboundary water resources management; and b) building the political will for cooperation on shared waters by demonstrating the costs and benefits of cooperation and strengthening public understanding and participation.
The Institute of Water Resources’ Cooperation and Public Participation Center of Expertise (CPCX) will also be engaged in some of the program’s activities.