Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transportation and Tourism of Japan (MLIT)
The Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transportation and Tourism (MLIT) of Japan and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) have established a partnership to exchange technical information relating to flood control and water resources management. Their agreement allows both organizations to benefit from each other’s knowledge and expertise by equally sharing information and practices. IWR plays a role in the implementation of this agreement.
About the Implementing Arrangement
Signed: March 18, 2003
Extension Signed: February 26,2008
Signing Parties: (March 18,2003)
- Hisakazu Oishi (MLIT)
- Robert B. Flowers (USACE)
Purpose:This partnership aims to establish a long-term relationship for the equal exchange of technical information and cooperation in flood control and water resources management.
Terms: The Parties plan to jointly pursue opportunities in:
- Flood control and water resources management policies
- Floodplain management
- Drought management
- Navigation
- Configuration of systems for flood control and water control management using advanced technologies (Global Positioning Satellites, Geographical Information System, Digital Elevation Model, river information system)
- River engineering technologies including, but not limited to, levees, levee protection and channel improvement, and dams (including those of 15 meters high or lower)
- Water and cost allocation for multi-purpose dams
- Preservation of river environments and wetlands and habitat evaluation
- Economic evaluation of the policies for flood control, water resources management, environmental protection and restoration, and recreation
- Salt water intrusion
- Coastal management planning
- Consensus building in the community
- Flood fighting
- Seismic engineering for river-related structures
About Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport of Japan
This ministry of the government of Japan is responsible for water resources management and flood control.
Implementing Arrangement (pdf, 732 KB) (March 18,2003)
Extension of Implementation Arrangement (pdf, 503 KB) (February 26, 2008)
Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transportation and Tourism of Japan