Middle East and North Africa Network of Water Centers of Excellence


The Middle East and North Africa Network of Water Centers of Excellence (MENA NWC) will link technical institutions across the region to work together and with outside counterpart institutions on critical water challenges. Created with the backing of USAID grant funds (pdf, 1.53 MB) , the Network will strive to foster partnerships; build and exchange regional science and technology capacity to improve water resources planning and management; and develop and disseminate policy tools and technical and management interventions that expand water supply, manage demand, and dramatically increase its efficient and productive use. A network of cooperating institutions will facilitate collaborative activities, including competitive grants programs, capacity building, institutional twinnings, exchanges, fellowships, and knowledge management.

The Mission of the Network is to build an alliance of governments, research and educational institutions, civil society and the private sector to resolve water challenges through collaborative research, capacity building, innovation, and knowledge sharing leading to sustainable development and improved livelihoods. ICIWaRM supports the mission of MENA-NWC in an advisory and technical assistance capacity, furthering the ultimate goal of the Network to “reverse the increasing scarcity of water in the region by adapting, developing, and disseminating policy tools and technical and management interventions that expand supply, reduce demand, and dramatically increase its efficient, productive, and sustainable use.”

For further information, contact Will Logan.

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