ICIWaRM Instructors Lead African Water Resources Decision-Making Courses
ICIWaRM recently led two courses on Climate Risk-Informed Decision Analysis (CRIDA) for Southern and Eastern African water resources professionals.
CRIDA provides bottom-up, stepwise planning guidance for water resources planners, managers, and engineers interested in incorporating resilience into planning and operational decisions. Authors of the CRIDA approach are from ICIWaRM, UNESCO’s International Hydrological Programme, the Alliance for Global Water Adaptation (AGWA) and Deltares (Delft, The Netherlands). The first of the two training courses was organized by UNESCO’s Regional Office for Southern Africa and held in Cape Town, South Africa on 27 – 31 May 2019. Held in collaboration with the University of Stellenbosch, the instructors came from ICIWaRM, Deltares, AGWA and UNESCO. USAID’s Resilient Waters Programme participated and helping fund some of the participants as well. The course addressed issues of particular relevance to the Cape Town drought and the Limpopo and Okavango river basins. The agenda and presentations are available at the UNESCO ClimWar website.The second training course, on “Climate Risk Informed Decision Analysis: A collaborative workshop to address an uncertain future”, took place in Entebbe, Uganda on 10-13 Sep 2019. It was led by ICIWaRM’s Guillermo Mendoza and John Kucharski. Organized in collaboration with UNESCO’s Regional Office for Eastern Africa and Makerere University, the workshop was held the Uganda Ministry of Water and Environment’s Water Resources Institute. The write-up of the workshop is available at http://www.unesco.org/new/en/nairobi/about-this-office/single-view/news/eastern_africa_regional_training_workshop_on_climate_risk_in/ . More information on CRIDA can be found at
https://agwaguide.org/about/CRIDA/ or https://en.unesco.org/climwar/capacity/crida.