Second Webinar in UNESCO-ICIWaRM-AGWA Series on Climate-Resistant Water Management Approaches Held

The second webinar in the series, “Climate-Resilient Water Management Approaches: Adaptation in an Age of Uncertainty”, was held on Thursday, 24 September and hosted by UNESCO. It was titled, “Incorporating Climate Risks into Decision Making through CRIDA: Perspectives from Zambia and Chile”. About 220 people participated. 

UNESCO’s Division of Water Sciences, UNESCO category 2 center ICIWaRM, and the Alliance for Global Water Adaptation (AGWA) organized the series of webinars to introduce the technical and practical components of bottom-up approaches, spanning a range of topics and underscored by examples of real-world applications. The series is designed to lead up to a global conference on Climate-Resilient Water Management Approaches being organized by the same institutions and set for 2021. The webinars are intended for technical water management professionals as well as individuals working in climate / water policy and planning.

The first talk was by Marc Tkach, Director, Infrastructure and Integrated Program Management, Millennium Challenge Corporation, and was titled, “Climate Risk Informed Decision Analysis: Iolanda [Uganda] Water Treatment Plant Case Study“. The discussion session following it was led by Chipili Chikamba, Infrastructure Development Director (Water and Sanitation), Millennium Project Completion Agency Zambia.

The second presentation was given by Koen Verbist, Program Specialist at UNESCO and Ad Jeuken, Expert Advisor on Climate Adaptation, Deltares. It was titled, “A Stress Test for Climate Impacts on Water Security: Case Study from the Limari Basin in Chile”. The discussion that followed was led by Gabriel Mancilla, Executive Director of the UNESCO-affiliated center CAZALAC of Chile.

More information on the series, and the presentations, are available from UNESCO at A third webinar is planned for 29 October 2020.